Posted on Aug 01, 2020

Description of Duties

A new description of the weekly duties has been published. 


Club Meetings – all meetings
Attendance Duty
5.20pm in time to welcome people as they arrive at venue – currently at Don Rowlands Centre
Welcome members and visitors alike.
Record attendance and apologies on attendance sheet.
Complete name cards for all visitors to wear and record names.
Record make ups and receive attendance cards.
Provide attendance cards to visiting Rotarians. Charge $23.50 for meal unless guest of a member.
Encourage members to buy raffle tickets.
Give President list of all visitors including members partners and visiting Rotarians.
Prepare summary of attendance numbers.
Hand attendance sheet to treasurer for charging of meals.
Members Badges stored in room by meeting venue.
Raffle tickets and cash box stored in black metal cupboard in equipment room Key to cupboard attached to inside of lectern.
Attendance sheet received from attendance officer any time after midday on Wednesday.
Cash box stored in black cupboard in equipment room.
Club Meetings
Welcome Duty
5.20pm in time to welcome people as they arrive.
Welcome members and visitors alike.
Stand by the entrance and greet everyone as they arrive (a great way to learn members names).
Introduce the visitor to the President if possible (he/she may be otherwise engaged).
Introduce the speaker to the person rostered to introduce them later in the evening. You will need to know who the speaker is and who is introducing them.
Introduce other visitors to one or more members and ask them to host the visitor for the evening.
A handshake and a welcoming smile.
Club Meetings
Equipment Duty
5.15pm in time to set up before regular meeting.
Plus after the close of the meeting
Set up attendance table.
Set up tables for dining (if not already done)
Set up top table
Set up lectern and check IT equipment is out (we may be using the band’s sound system and mic, as well as data projector hired from venue as well as our own laptop).  Data projector should have been booked beforehand.
Return equipment to storage after meeting.
Leave tables and chairs in place as on arrival
Put up Teardrop flags x 2 and Theme pull up banner
Place name badges so members can recover them as they arrive.
Placemats and salt and pepper on each table - these may need rearranging to suit our meeting.
There will be a top table for President, Sergeant, Guest Speaker/s, Introducer and 4 or less allocated Rotarians (depending on number of speakers) - president will select different Rotarians each week.
Place lectern by top table (with theme banner)
Place bell on table.
Place sergeant’s paraphernalia on top table (shrapnel box, fines box, raffle numbers, bell and hammer). Microphone to be placed on lectern.
Place Presidents paraphernalia on top table (chain of office, collar microphone, flags, bell).
Place roll out banner(s) by top table behind lectern.
Put out tear drop banners at entrance and bottom of stairs and bring in at close.
After the meeting return all equipment, including name badge box where you found it and lock cupboard. Venue should be left as according to Don Rowlands requirements.
Large items are stored as provided by Don Rowlands Centre
Table ware is stored in the black metal cupboard in equipment room. Key to cupboard hangs inside lectern.
Locking up:
Those on duty and last to exit by the side kitchen door after turning all lights out. The front doors will be locked or will lock shortly after we leave for the night
Club Meetings
Kitchen Duty
Follows regular meeting.
Catering table set up
Wash, (put in sanitiser as appropriate) and dry bar glassware and store in “cupboard”.
Tables should clear glassware into kitchen.
Put out plates, utensils, etc on catering table in hallway.
Clear tables of crockery and utensils.
If caterers do not clean/wash plates and utensils undertake as necessary
Hand wash glasses and load into sanitiser. This has a fast cycle of 2 minutes.
Dry glasses store wineglasses in cardboard boxes and return to equipment cupboard.
Hang tea towels to dry.
Provided in kitchen
We need to provide our own Tea towels
Locking up:
Those on duty and last to exit by the side kitchen door after turning all lights out. The front doors will be locked or will lock shortly after we leave for the night
Club Meetings
Bar Duty
5-5.15pm in time to assist with set up before regular meeting.
Set up bar - sell drinks - clear up afterwards. Don Rowlands Bar Manager will co-ordinate.
Glassware as appropriate.
We use Don Rowlands alcohol stocks.
Glassware to use: Rotary wine glasses in boxes.
Serve at bar before meeting from 5.30pm (as directed by Don Rowlands bar manager)
Serve members after business sessions and before meal.
Place empty bottles in recycling bins or receptacle as advised by Bar Manager.
Bottle tops (as advised by Bar Manager).
Return unused and part used bottles to fridge.
Don Rowlands Bar Manager will handle takings.
Glassware (wineglasses) from boxes  and stored in room provided.
Locking up:
No need at Don Rowlands.
Club Meetings
Speaker Introduction
Before meeting.
Welcome speaker - introduce to President and Club.
Be in time to welcome the evening's speaker.
Introduce to President.
Ensure they are set up for any PowerPoint presentation they have with them - ask if they have a USB to use (IT duty person will take over setting up IT equipment).
Confirm that talk should be about 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
Provide with drink from bar (Club pays for this).
Help guest socialise with members once set up.
Sit with guest for the meeting at the top table.
Introduce the speaker to the club with brevity.
If you have looked them up on Dr Google before the meeting make sure you have the right person.
Club Meetings
Thanking Speaker
After Speaker
Thank speaker and present with small token of appreciation (if there is one). Sit with guest for the meeting at top table.
Obtain thank you gift from Sergeant.
Thanks should be extremely brief and ask the club to show its appreciation.
Club Meetings
Did you know ……
During Meeting (most likely at end)
3 minutes to talk to the club on a Rotary topic – or other general topic that you know of and is interesting and/or informative. Something that you know about or have experienced – something unique if possible. Please keep this talk positive.
While “Did you know ……” comment is the choice of the individual member, it is important to remember:
Article 16 Community, National, and International affairs
Section 1 — Proper Subjects. The merits of any public question involving the general welfare of the community, the nation, and the world are of concern to the members of this club and shall be proper subjects of fair and informed study and discussion at a club meeting for the enlightenment of its members in forming their individual opinions.
However, this club shall not express an opinion on any pending controversial public measure.
Section 2 — No Endorsements. This club shall not endorse or recommend any candidate for public office and shall not discuss at any club meeting the merits or demerits of any such candidate.
Section 3 — Non-Political.
(a) Resolutions and Opinions. This club shall neither adopt nor circulate resolutions or opinions and shall not take action dealing with world affairs or international policies of a political nature.
(b) Appeals. This club shall not direct appeals to clubs, peoples, or governments, or circulate letters, speeches, or proposed plans for the solution of specific international problems of a political nature.
Last Updated:                    5 July 2020.